
Posts Tagged ‘Bernard Siegel’


Brazil’s Supreme Court is set to rule today on whether scientists may conduct embryonic stem cell research.

A new Brazilian law allowing research on embryos resulting from in-vitro fertilization frozen for at least three years was cited as unconstitutional in a petition by General Claudio Fontelles. He argued that the law was unconstitutional because it violated the right to life.

“Brazil has the potential to be a significant leader in this field,” said Bernard Siegel, the executive director of the Florida-based Genetic Policy Institute. “And if the Supreme Court decides to allow this kind of research, then Brazil will become the Latin American leader in this field.”

In opposition to the law, Roman Catholic Church officials have urged the court to ban stem cell research, agreeing with Fontelles that it ends human life. The Church does clarify that their opposition only extends to embryonic stem cells, not adult stem cells.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva favors the current law, allowing for embryonic stem cell research.

We will see how the Brazilian Supreme Court rules…

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